Are there time limits for filing an appeal to a Civil Service Commission?
Yes. It is very important that you file an appeal to the Civil Service Commission within the required time period.
moreStarting work with a new employer and new co-workers is often a very exciting time and adventure, especially if the new position involves moving to a new location. It can often involve new employment agreements, term sheets, confidentiality agreements, or other documents that you may want to have reviewed.
If you have received an agreement or other document at the commencement of employment from your employer, right now is one of the best times to negotiate the terms that are the most important to you – before you accept the job or make a move. We can help.
The lawyers at the Law Office of Joseph Sulman are experienced in helping clients review and negotiate employment-related contracts. If you are looking for experienced employment counsel for your employment agreement, or are seeking a review of the agreement, we would invite you to call our firm.
In addition to focusing on benefits (pay, bonuses, vacation, stock options, etc.), one of the key provisions of employment agreements are the terms that relate to what happens in the event of a separation of employment from the company. Often, these terms are given far less consideration than the terms relating to benefits; however, such terms can often prove vital if a termination occurs.
Specific factors relating to termination can include:
The foregoing is only some of the key factors that should be considered with respect to a potential termination. When we review employment contracts, our objective is to ensure that all of the key concerns of an employee are carefully addressed in the employment agreement, and that the employee is protected as best as possible in the event of a termination.